

Hebrew Text Memory Game

This game will help you memorize Hebrew texts from the Sefaria database. Enter a text reference, select a difficulty level, click 'Start Game', and fill in the blanks to test your memory!


Welcome to our interactive game and map tool, integrating biblical text study with geographical exploration!

1. To start, you can select a Parsha from the dropdown menu or enter a specific text reference (like Genesis 1, Genesis 1:1, or Genesis 1:1-2) in the text input field.

2. Choose your preferred difficulty level from the dropdown menu. This will determine the complexity of the text presented in the game.

3. Click 'Start Game' to initiate. The game will present you with the chosen text, hiding certain words based on your selected difficulty. Simultaneously, the map feature will activate, displaying locations related to the text input.

4. Your task is to fill in the blanks with the correct words. As you interact with the text, explore the map to see how geography and narrative intertwine.

5. Once you've made your guesses, click 'Check Answers' to evaluate your performance. You'll see your score and the correct answers for comparison.

6. The map provides an additional layer of understanding. It visualizes places mentioned in the biblical references, thanks to the location data sourced from You can interact with the map to discover more about these significant historical and religious sites.

Enjoy blending learning and fun as you navigate through the texts and maps!

Played Before? Find Your Memorized Texts Here: